Ryan Jones

Fun Engineering Details Found Exploring Breath of the Wild

Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild earlier this year, and I have enjoyed exploring the beautiful land of Hyrule. The simple acts of sprinting, climbing, and gliding through the world has been a surprisingly pleasurable experience.

This post is about all the attentions to detail that were devised and, more poignantly to this blog, developed.

Debug websites for mobile Safari with a Mac

Chalk this one up to not having a need to debug websites on iOS – the combination of iOS and Safari on the Mac can help you debug websites. The web inspector development tool works for the website viewed in mobile Safari on the iOS Simulator. This also works for debugging a site on an actual device.

Keyboarding in Xcode via Shortcuts!

Keyboard shortcuts enhance developer productivity immensely. There are so many, and so many I underutilize regularly (a few on handling navigational tabs come to mind). Here are some of my most used keyboard shortcuts in the app I use daily, Xcode.